Hi people!
How is everyone doing?
Sorry I haven't been on for almost a month. Haven't been in front of my computer for quite sometime to actually post anything up. I've had a couple of friends come through to Japan; 2 from Vancouver and another from the UK. It's always great to see friends in another country.
Recently, i've worked on an audition shoot for W+K Tokyo Lab, for Playstation. It was great to work with them again, as i'm always looking forward to shooting video and taking photos. The day of the auditions was interesting, as all of the auditioners were eclectic and quite a bunch of characters. Thank you W+K!
This past weekend was eventful as well, as it was a long weekend in Japan. Monday was "
Umi no hi" or Marine Day. Nothing special, but just a day to take advantage of the summer. It's been hot and humid here too. Not liking it because i'm a winter baby and I don't like the heat.
I'll post up photos soon again of the events that have happened in the past month. Hope you're all doing well. Take care and see you soon.