Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Apples for the season

Apple's done it again. They've released an upgrade of models which include a new 27" iMac and the newly redesigned MacBooks. They've also released a new multi-touch mouse; the Magic Mouse. Looks pretty slick, might want to pick one up. Please check out Apple's site for more details.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Japanese Commercial - Cratz

Hey y'all!

How's it going?

Watching in t.v. in Japan can be quite amusing. This commercial, which features Matsumoto Hitoshi from the TV talk show "Downtown", promotes a snack from Glico called Cratz. It's a mixture of pretzel chunks and whole almonds. It's marketed as an accompaniment with beer. The character he portrays is from a movie he starred in recently called "Shinboru" (the Symbol). I especially like the second half of the commercial.